Sep 1, 2020Liked by Kevin McGillivray

Kevin, this reminds me of the phrase *tikkun olam* which is often translated to "repair the world" - although this interpretation is sometimes contested, I like it because I have an appreciation for the word "repair." To repair is to cherish, to value, to believe in redemption. To repair reminds us that we are not the first, that we are not alone, that our acts of creation are continuations of efforts, collaborations with the labor and ideas of others. To repair means that there was a previous state of existence that may now feel far away, but gives us a reason to hope in possibility, something to aim for, an inspiration. I believe deeply that every act of repair to a tractor or guitar or building is awakening a human pattern, reminding us that we, too, may be restored, that our current brokenness need not mean that we are beyond responding to care. Thank you for sharing and inspiring these lovely thoughts.

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Sep 10, 2020Liked by Kevin McGillivray

Kevin, this is a lovely post and I immediately want to darn some socks or something :-) I noticed that the final picture has your surname. Is this your own artwork, or another family member's?

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